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The level of commitment which the Cal Audits team has to serve carrier clients 

and provide an incredible customer experience is unmatched in the audit industry.

It fosters strong, long-term client relationships.


"I have a very special handling case here I need rushed, and I feel like I can trust you

and your team at Cal Audits to handle this the way we need it handled."  -Major Carrier

"Cal Audits has covered all of our physical audit needs in California for the past 10 years. Their audits have been outstanding. Their customer service is excellent and their average price per audit is the lowest around."  -Major Carrier

"Most of the complaints I get is for other vendors that I don't have so much confidence in.

It's always a pleasure working with you." -Top 5 National Carrier

"Thank you all for acting on this so quickly."  -Underwriting Assistant, Major Carrier

(We hear this a lot!)


"Thank you for taking the time to look this over for us...Again, I would like to express my complete appreciation for your time and help. You’ve gone above and beyond what any other person would have done : )"    -Insured to Auditor Brenda

"I wanted to thank you for being such a pleasure to work with,

as you completely changed my opinion on what an auditor would be like."  -Insured to Auditor Kristi

"Thank you Ray!! It has been a pleasure working with you on our audit."  -Insured to Auditor Ray

"I wanted to thank you for the follow-up as well as how thorough and pleasant you are to work with.

Not what I would generally expect from an audit but I do appreciate it!"  -Insured to Auditor Annette

"I wanted to thank you very much for helping me through the audit process.

I feel confident now for the next one!  I appreciate it very much."        - Insured to Auditor Ray






"What a refreshing change for me to be working in a positive environment with associates

who truly care and appreciate the contributions we make every day to assure the success of Cal Audits."

        - Contractor Jane



"It was the Management Team that made a difference in my adventures here.  I know Bob went out of his way to mentor me (after he originally trained me 3 years ago.) He always looked out for me...  It was also amazing for Ron and Management to cover the costs of the Audit Coordinators. That made a difference for us all.   


I valued Management's commitment to being creative and effective during these times.  We are also fortunate to have knowledgeable and very patient reviewers. That made our learning curves easier.


And, thank you especially Doni! I gained so much from you; not just a skill set, but an overall approach to auditing.

I value just how easy it was to talk to you and approach you.


So, I don't know exactly what's on my path ahead, but I am blessed and fortunate to have worked with a great family! 

I can't remember when I last said that...               - Contractor Dennis



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